Creative & Designer
Bus stop.jpg

"The Collective Perspective"


Goldsmiths BA Year 2 - Design Project

“The Collective Perspective”



The Stoics believed that everything around us operates according to a web of cause and effect, resulting in a rational structure of the universe, and while we may not always have control over the events affecting us, we can have control over how we approach things. Psychogeography has been described as a scientific tool for measuring the emotional impact of an urban space - urban wandering, the imaginative reworking of the city, the otherworldly sense of spirit of place, the unexpected insights and juxtapositions created by aimless drifting, the new ways of experiencing familiar surroundings. At a cross section of these two schools of thought we have developed a contemporary framework for operating within the modern day, learning by doing, acting within a collective perspective.

*All headsets display a single perspective, captured from camera mounted on the rig

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